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About mark4562

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  1. I mean could just make it to when you name change that a script will auto-pay the fine from that Character slots bank account.
  2. I think you misunderstand what the suggestion proposed by me is, what I am suggesting is they remove medical centers as not being no crime zones. I fully support all hospitals being no crime zones but the way they have defined it is contradictory because the way they set it up is hospitals are no crime zones but large hospitals AKA medical centers are not no crime zones which makes no sense. Basically what I am suggesting is how medical centers are currently exempt and crime is allowed to be committed there that exemption be removed and all hospitals ,medical center or not are classified as no crime zones.
  3. Yes, that's what the suggestion was about because having medical centers exempt makes no sense. And no worries if anything the blame is on my end for not being clear enough.
  4. I think there is a bit of confusion because currently medical centers are not no crime zones they are not included currently. Currently only hospitals are considered no crime zones but medical centers are not and honestly considering those are the same thing it's a contradiction And just to say I have already seen an i Incident of violent crime of crime that happened outside of a hospital parking lot in Sandy it was allowed and told by an admin that that is not a no crime zone since it is a medical center. So based on that there was already places where you can be a victim of crime and it's totally fine because of this rule
  5. So to start off currently crime zones include hospitals but it specifically States medical centers are not included as crime zones to clarify what the rule currently States on what is classified as a no crime zone. The suggestion is quite simple, the exemption itself is a contradiction since hospitals are considered a no crime zone but medical centers are not but medical centers are in fact hospitals and the other side note of this is under this rule technically speaking this would make pill box Hill medical center exempt from the no crime zone rules due to the fact that along with the name pill box Hill does fit the definition of a medical center thus exempting it from the no crime zone rules. This somewhat is problematic because it does kind of create a gray zone on whether it is a no crime zone or not because the crime zone map says it is but the rules state it's not. To sum it up that exemption should either be dropped entirely or changed to small time clinics or hospitals that do not accept patients from ems due to the fact that the rule contradicts itself by saying hospitals are a no crime zone but medical centers are not when a medical center is a hospital (a large one) making it a gray zone ruling.
  6. Would you be inerested in a 2 story ,two bedroom house near the canals that has a garage aswell. Can send pictures of the inside if your interested.
  7. * Name: Olivia Taylor * Phone number: 07794572 * Email:[email protected] ((fourm PM)) Comment: Me and my girlfriend would be interested in viewing the house.
  8. The issue with doing that is there is other variants of that specific shirt that have police or sheriff's markings directly on them and not as a decal. And these variants are under the same shirt ID
  9. Would a showing be possible, My number is 50371359
  10. Honestly can't support this for a few reasons the main one being is realistically there is no way you could get legal ownership of the car because the title it would not be in your name and you would have no way to insure the vehicle since the title is not in your name and insurance companies won't recognize it.
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