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  • Character Name
    Dex Batista
  • Faction
    West Vinewood Pawn Shop Inc

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  1. Personally I'm not in favor of turning San Andreas into a Communist state. San Andreas is within the borders of the United States of America (Founded 1776) which is a capitalistic society and takes advantage of a free market and the rules should line up with that at least for anyone that cares about roleplay and proper portrayal.
  2. Yes, definitely needed. Remove the limit. Would encourage a more realistic economy.
  3. There was no RP in the first instance either, pull, shoot.
  4. Can you kill someone for lockpicking your vehicle? My friend was recently told by @Biscuitthat it's okay, but then @HemmaXprisoned someone for it just the other day.
  5. Don't go. How hard is it?
  6. Can't ya'll focus on your quickdate and sports cars? Leave masks alone.
  7. Nah I won't be able to immediately take off if there's a timer.
  8. Yes, but not at a mechanic shop. If I have a screwdriver I should be able to pull over on the side of the road and pop that sucker off or on in a couple minutes (2 screws)
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