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    Heriberto Camuñas

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  1. Compadre, esta vaina está bien perrona. Ahí háganle, viva la raza y chinga la migra!
  2. This happened to me this past week. The weather was stormy, I was just hanging out in my house front porch outside, no cars/people nearby. Chat input lag was like a 5-10 seconds delay. Walking inside of my house made it work fine. I just relogged and the issue got solved.
  3. When I'm smoking a cigarette on the sidewalk and a car passes by, it goes full brake and reverse just to see my name over my head.
  4. Starting a new character, different background, different ethnicity, different aims. I didn't mention assets as a whole. Cars and properties aren't affecting what a faction has or hasn't at the start in terms of guns and drugs.
  5. Some new factions being stacked from day 1 vs some other factions not being able to do so. This way, instead of sureño gangs with veteran players that carried their guns over after a namechange like Naeno mentioned, people keep their characters and, for example, develop them up to prison, where they find themselves in a realistic position for a gun supplier/scheme. It's a win/win situation.
  6. Deleting assets like guns or drugs after a namechange sounds like a neat idea.
  7. Honestly, it'd be great for admins to be able to lock this cmd in a player by player case, while also getting a notification when somebody uses the cmd. At first it'd be a bit of a workload but with time only those deserving of it would remain able to use the cmd. I agree that if you disconnect in Paleto for the day and next day you choose to spawn at your home, you've just offscreened that you drove back last night. I mean this for people who just spawn their cars everywhere for everything.
  8. A small group of hustlers without an established hierarchy, main ethnicity nor tribalism (so not a street gang), mainly centered on burglary, car theft, social security fraud, scamming... Either long time friends, partners in crime that got to know each other while serving some small prison sentence... PM me or suggest me to a similar group if something like this is already going on.
  9. So, what says on the title. I generated the Menyoo XML file via the UCP but nothing is downloaded to my computer :S. EDIT: Apparently it was Adblocker blocking the download. Thread can be L&A.
  10. /mes are like literature. If you're just someone pretending to be more cultivated than they are, you'll end up with long /mes full of redundances, bad expression and poor choice of words, among other issues. And that's noted, even by not really cultivated people, and it's cringey. If you have read some books and have at least a slight idea of what techniques professional writers use to make emphasis, dramatise, or try to convey a feeling without expressely telling what that feeling is, you'll end up with /mes that, whether short or long, really transmit without telling explicitly what's being trasmitted, subtle and elegantly. And it's noted, and it's what makes legends. Either way, I don't see the point of this thread. While poor description in /mes will be always criticizable, I don't really think the QoL impact is so big as the OP says about being in a club and not being able to notice what's happening because some /mes are long. Learn to ignore them and to filter out what's irrelevant to your immediate scene. The ones making bad /mes today may be the ones making the greatest tomorrow.
  11. When it comes to the OP first comment in this thread, for me it should be fine to pull your gun even if you're already at gunpoint. People just think once they hotkey a quick aiming /me they're the owners of the person in question. Don't. Just be aware of what you're doing and don't lower your guard just cause you have an arm extended in some direction with a gun in hand. Let the other party pull his gun out so you can, as would be expected, squeeze the trigger n times, where n is the amount of shots needed for the body to go horizontal. That's not PG, that's consequences. If they think they can pull that trick, let them do it, whether they are aware of the consequences or not. Also, without intending to ditch voice rp servers, nah, text is better. If you just feel you're in a situation where they're gonna (poorly and with zero sportmanship) abuse the fact that you may have to type a long line, just don't. A good RPer doesn't have to be a samaritan with victim complex ready to put his head to be chopped as some form of "RP-demonstrating-self-sacrifice". A good RPer RPs well, doesn't spend the day in the reports forum section. Don't fall for it, you shouldn't get at their poor RP level as a response, but if you just put your head down and let the PGers abuse you, this won't be no RP server soon.
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