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  1. If players who have been on the server since its launch are telling me they do it without getting punished, and that its allowed, then its obviously not common sense. Its pretty clear a lot of people are getting away with it and that would only be the case if it wasn't clearly stated anywhere whether its allowed or not. Hell, I was afk for almost 12 hours straight before I got kicked. 6.0 Character Name It is not allowed to use a name that could be offensive to other players. Additionally, it is also not allowed to use names of famous people or characters from any form of media. Names should be realistic and not intentionally comical. E.G. You create a character with the name George_Bush You create a character with the name Karon_Nigger if people need to be told this isn't allowed, I definitely need to be told if I can go AFK or not.
  2. I joined the server with some friends and was told by way too many people that I was allowed to afk in our house for paychecks, then we went and did it and got kicked. plz fix
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